Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What about...

C: Soooo, what about the name Isabella Martha-Catherine?

K: Ummm. No.

C: No? Like, definite, not-even-gonna-think-about-it no? You didn't even think about it!

K: Yeah. That is a definite no.

C: What's wrong with it?

K: I think you have to be Catholic to hyphenate a middle name like that.

C: LOL! You do not!!

K: How on earth did you come up with that combination anyway?

C: *insert long-winded explanation here*

K: Well, it's still a no.


C: Well, you know...

K: We are not becoming Catholic!

C: Hear me out.

K: LOL! I am definitely gonna listen to this one.

C: Well, you know how I've always liked the symbolism/tradition that goes into the whole Catholic baby christening thing? The pomp and circumstance? The gorgeous christening gowns? That stuff? And now I like a name that you say is Catholic...

K: Uh-huh... I'm waiting.

C: Well, what if we just became short-term Catholics? We get the gorgeous christening, I get the hyphenated name... a few short months and wham, bam, thank you ma'am, we're back to being Unitarians. *bright smile*

K: You're nuts. Funny. But nuts.

C: So the name is still a no?

K: Definitely.